Judy Edwards
About Judy Edwards

Art has been a passion of mine for my whole life. The challenges were many. Finding my way into art that worked for me, took years. But it was all good.
I am now at the comfortable stage of my art career. Having passed through watercolors, pastels, oils, encaustic, monotypes and cold wax. I recently took a class from, Eva Kalien in Germany, and my horizons opened up even more. “Be brave,” she said, “It’s just a piece of paper”. I knew that, but now I believed it.
As much as in life, I go for the simple things. In art,if I don’t watch out, things get quite complicated. I have been using breath work lately to control my active mind and then I paint. I paint from that part of me that isn’t controlling anything and just let it flow. Or from that same point of view, I start with a piece of paper in front of me and all my paints near by. I just start and see where it goes. I love it.
The spontaneousness of making art is the most appealing to me. Over the years I have learned a tremendous amount about making art, now I just create the situation, be quiet and let it flow.